The Power of Creative Daydreaming

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Power of Creative Daydreaming

Most of us were taught that daydreaming was a waste of time and that we should concentrate our mental energies on the "here and now". Rarely is it mentioned that some of the greatest advancements in human history were the result of someone's daydream.

For instance, Albert Einstein worked out many of the details of his Special Theory of Relativity in daydreams. Thomas Edison would have never invented half of the things he did were it not for his active imagination and the daydreams he had about the possibilities that electricity held. Stephen King taps the power of his daydreams to create the immense stories for which he is so famous. In psychoanalysis, patients are healed in large part using a process of a directed daydream.

Everywhere you look, you find examples of people using daydreams to create prosperity in all forms.


When we engage ourselves in daydreaming, there are a couple of things that happen. First of all, we generally allow our mind to shift focus away from the world around us and focus it specifically on the subject of our daydream. When our mind is focused intensely, there is an increase in the power of our thoughts.

You know how your computer slows down when you run many programs at the same time. Although the CPU may be the fastest thing on the planet, it will eventually be brought down to its knees if you ask it to do more than it can handle. Well, your mind is a very powerful computer, and just as the computer on your desk will slow down if it is asked to do many things at once, your mind also slows down when you try to focus on too many things. By focusing on only 1 thing, you are bringing the full power of your mind to bear on that 1 thing, making you much more efficient in dealing with it.

You can also think of this in terms of the martial artist, who practices regularly to focus his attention on performing the motions of his art in as smooth and direct a way as possible, eliminating all resistance to his attack and defensive moves. Spend time focusing your mind on one thing at a time, and you will find that you are able to perform at a higher level than you were ever able to before.

In the intensity of mind that can be achieved by someone who is good at daydreaming, something else happens too. A doorway is opened between your mind and the mind of God.

When you open this doorway between your mind and the mind of God, you get a sensation of strength and assurance that everything will be okay. It's almost like you have grown in some way that makes you powerful and wise. Usually, you will also feel a sense of compassion and acceptance for the frailties of humanity.


There are several ways you can use the power of creative daydreaming to manifest prosperity in your life. Here are a few ideas to set you off in your own direction.

Writing a book has always been the classic use for creative daydreaming. As you sit at your keyboard, you simply imagine what the characters in your story are doing and type it out as you imagine it. What's great about this is that you don't have to know what will happen in the story until you actually write it. In many ways, stories become better when the writer does this, simply because the story comes across as "more real" than a story that has been planned out from the beginning.

When writing music, you could daydream about listening to the Ultimate Band, with unlimited choices of instruments and musicians. As you listen to the music created in your imagination, all you have to do is mentally record the performance, and then bring that recording up into the 'real world' where you can go through your notation process (which is different for each composer) to capture the ideas generated by your creative daydream.

You could ask for a guide in your creative daydream to take you to the future. Once there, you can pay attention to new inventions that don't exist in the current time, examine them, find out how they work, and then bring that information back to the present for further research and experimentation.

If you are faced with a dilemma in any area of life, such as business, personal relationships, health issues, or whatever, you can go into a creative daydream and explore possible solutions to that problem. When working in a creative daydream, you can ask for an expert in this area to give you more information that you can use to solve your problem. This expert will usually show you what to do, and more importantly, explain why it works.

Creative daydreaming can also be used to help reprogram your inner beliefs to aid in your attraction of greater prosperity. Beliefs are usually based on past experiences, but are sometimes based on the results of your imagination playing out various possibilities. In a creative daydream, you have the option to create your own experiences from which to form new beliefs. In this way, you can create 'memories' of a prosperous life, and once you have a strong set of memories of being prosperous, it's very easy to believe that you will continue to be prosperous in the future.

And one of the best uses of creative daydreaming is for the purpose of directing Spiritual Power towards manifesting a desired future. If you remember our lesson on faith, you'll understand that there is a Power that flows through you constantly; picking up the vibrations of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on it's way out into the world to create your experiences. By consciously choosing what thoughts and feelings to focus upon, you are manipulating the controls that direct Spiritual Power towards a desired end.


Most people that I talk to feel that they don't have a creative bone in their body. They think that creativity is only for the gifted geniuses of the world, and they are far below the genius-level.

Balderdash! Every single human on this planet is a genius, whether they exhibit the recognized traits or not. Just imagine for a moment how large a task it would be to suddenly find yourself in a world where everyone speaks a language you've never heard, performs physical feats that are far beyond your understanding, and there's no-one else like you that you can see. Now just consider that every baby born into this world is faced with this exact situation, and realize that you conquered the obstacles to learn the language, learn how to walk, and learned many other things as well.

The only reason you would have any difficulty in learning anything is simply because you don't believe in yourself.

Now also consider that every child has a natural drive to express themselves creatively. Many times, this creative instinct is degraded by parents who want to mold their children into their pre-conceived idea of what the child should be and do. Very rare is it that a child grows up without any restraint of their creativity. And so, most of us come out of childhood with much of our creativity stifled to some degree or another.

But it's possible to regain that strong creative streak.

There are many exercises to develop creativity. The main similarity between the various exercises is to break away from the standard ways of doing things. Walk backwards for a day. Use sugar instead of salt, and salt instead of sugar. Do things that seem to be stupid and wrong just to see things from a different perspective. Make extensive lists of uses for various instruments like forks, pencils, chains, candles, and more. The basic idea is to stretch your mind so that it will consider more than the standard approaches to solving a problem. This has been a critical difference between normal folk and geniuses.

Here's an exercise that seems to push your creativity up a couple of notches. Pick any two objects. Pick them at random, even if you have to close your eyes and point two fingers to choose them. Now imagine the first object becoming more like the second. See it change shape, yet retain it's original function. See it retaining it's own shape, but performing the function of the second object. See the two objects merging together and becoming one object. What does this new object do? What does it look like? Now, what else can you change about these objects? Can you make them sing and dance? What other functions could you make them perform?


Park yourself somewhere and start expanding your awareness out into the area around you. As you mentally focus on each item in your surroundings, consciously visualize a connection being made. Imagine your spirit making contact with everything around you, even merging with each object, plant, or animal. You can take this even further and imagine yourself become one with everything, up to the point of becoming unified with the whole Universe! As you merge with the physical manifestations of Power, consciously acknowledge a two-way flow of Power, from you to the things around you, and from those things back to you. Yes, you have to be willing to share your Power, or the rest of the Universe will refuse to share with you.


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